SoCal Arbeter Ring Responds to Mural Defacement

Graffiti on the Workmen Circle mural (February 6, 2014)
Graffiti on the Workmen Circle’s mural (February 6, 2014)

The graffito, “Free Palestine!!!!,” on the mural of the SoCal Arbeter Ring/Workmen’s Circle building was “tragically misinformed,” according to the group’s District Committee. “Our organization, both nationally and locally, has spoken out consistently in favor of a two-state solution and full equal rights for Palestinians.”

The mural, on the south side of the building at 1525 So. Robertson Ave., depicts major events in the history and culture of Jewish Americans and bears the motto, in Yiddish, far a shenerer, beserer velt — for a better, more beautiful world.

“It is ironic that the slogan defaced the mural of an organization whose observance of kol nidre, a major Jewish holiday, includes an Arabic American singer leading the hymn, ‘Peace, Shalom, Salaam,’ and that includes the aspirations of the Palestinian people in our other secular Jewish observances,” the statement continues.

“We invite those responsible for the slogan-painting to meet with us to discuss far more effective ways of encouraging progress toward a lasting peace between the Israeli and Palestinian states and their peoples,” said Ruth Judkowitz, Chairmentsh (chair person) of SoCal Arbeter Ring/Workmen’s Circle.


Ruth Judkowitz, 310-552-2007
Hershl Hartman, 310-473-4323