Giving Opportunities
Without your help, the many programs and services we offer to the community, most at little or no cost, could not continue. Please make a donation today.
Tributes & Celebrations
Honor a simkhe, a milestone or the passing of a loved one with a donation to the SoCal Arbeter Ring/Workers Circle. Your tribute will be published in Der Arbeter Briv (our current e-Briv) and an acknowledgement will be sent to the person or family you are honoring.
Planned Giving
Remembering The Workers Circle in your will is one of the most significant and meaningful forms of donation. Your donation will extend your lifetime of work for a better and more beautiful world into the next century and the next generation. Please contact us at (310) 552-2007 if you would like guidance on this type of donation.
Program-Specific Support
Make a donation directly to the programs that have touched your life! Our Yiddish classes, choruses, film series, holiday programs, are all subsidized by donors like you so that people from throughout the Los Angeles community can experience welcoming, progressive Jewish culture and tradition, regardless of their ability to pay. Earmark your donation to the program of your choice and it will be used directly to keep Yiddish classes running, choruses singing, and our Peysakh seder alive!
All donations to the Workers Circle are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. All checks should be made payable to “The Workers Circle” and mailed to 1525 S. Robertson Blvd., Los Angeles CA 90035. Email us for more information.