The Vortsman: Yiddish Anglicisms
There are lots of lists around — and at least one book I know of — that detail the penetration of Yiddish words into English; they’re usually designated as “Yinglish.”…
There are lots of lists around — and at least one book I know of — that detail the penetration of Yiddish words into English; they’re usually designated as “Yinglish.”…
A reader notes that nisht and nit are both used in Yiddish to denote “not,” often in the same paragraph or song lyric. He asks: is one more desirable than…
As promised, disagreements about montik un donershtik —Monday and Thursday. The Vortsman had opined that the phrase, meaning repetitive events of any nature, stemmed from the schedule of the High…
Our piteous plea for questions/disagreements from readers has yielded results! From the NoCal District, AR/WC, comes a query and a complaint: Q. 1) “I’m still trying to figure out if…